Oya is a fierce female warrior and the Orisha of change. It is she who assists us with rapid inner and outer transformation. Oya took the secret of slinging lightning from Chango. She fights with machetes and scares away death with her horsetail fly wisk. She is the owner of the cemetery gates and resides in the marketplace. She is depicted as a powerful warrior woman wearing a skirt of nine different colors. Oya’s colors are brown, dark red, and multi colors. Her number is 9.
Oya Prayer: “Oya please guide and protect me. Open the doors of opportunity by removing obstacles from my path. Give me courage to overcome my problems and defeat my enemies. Bring justice and balance to my life by bestowing your wisdom upon me. With your powers please give me the strength to fight and win my daily battles. I am ready for your winds of change that bring prosperity to my realm. AMEN.”